Drug History Timeline
428 items
Cacao (cocoa, chocolate)
Caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, etc.)
Cannabis (marijuana)
Coca (cocaine)
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
MDMA (ecstasy)
Opium (morphine, heroin, opioids)
Peyote (mescaline)
Psilocybin (mushrooms)
Stimulants (amphetamine, methamphetamine)
Myanmar (Burma)
Sri Lanka
Viet Nam
UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
Middle East
Saudi Arabia
North America
Caribbean Islands
Central America
USA (United States of America)
South America
Cultivation, production and trade
Cultural factors (social, religious, ritual)
Drugs and war
Health and social problems
Medicinal use of drugs
Taxation and regulation
10,000 BCE
The Natufians master beer-making
c. 8850 - 4650 BCE
Coca chewing was in practice throughout wide area in the Americas
6000 - 4000 BCE
Viticulture is believed to have originated in what is now Armenia
c. 5000 - 3000 BCE
Tobacco was first cultivated by people living in the Andes
c. 4000 BCE
Earliest physical evidence of human use of cannabis
c. 4000 BCE
Wine and beer appear in Egyptian pictographs
3700 BCE
Native Americans made artifacts from peyote and other plants
3500 BCE
Evidence of shamanic use of mushrooms in North Africa
c. 3150 BCE
Egyptians take wine to the afterlife
c. 3100 BCE
Symbol for beer found on early written documents in Uruk (Mesopotamia)
c. 3000 BCE
The opium poppy is first cultivated in Southwest Asia
c. 3000 BCE
The spice trade fires up in India and surrounding areas
c. 2737 BCE
Chinese Emperor Shen Nong discovers many medicines
2697 - 2597 BCE
Chinese emperor explores impact of alcohol on public health
2500 - 1800 BCE
Evidence for earliest human use of tobacco is traced back to Peru
2000 BCE - 1500 CE
Cocaine metabolites was found in mummies from Chile and Peru
1900 - 1750 BCE
Cultivation of coca bush in central Peru
1800-1000 BCE
The Olmec produced and consumed cacao products at the beginning of the Early Preclassic period
c. 1700 - 1100 BCE
Religious and medicinal use of cannabis in Hindu sacred texts
c. 1550 BCE
Opium and cannabis mentioned in ancient Egyptian medical texts
c. 1500 BCE
Opium is used in cult rituals in the Mediterranean region
1400 - 1000 BCE
Tobacco cultivation in New Mexico
1213 BCE
Cannabis pollen is found on the mummy of Ramesses II, who died in 1213 BCE
c. 1000 BCE
Ancient Chinese records show importance of cannabis
1000 - 500 BCE
Guatemalans carved stones in the shape of miniature mushrooms
c. 1000 BCE
Cacao is used for religious rituals in Central and South America
c. 900 - 100 BCE
Scythians use opium and cannabis in religious ritual
870 BCE
Wine and beer are served at a royal feast in Mesopotamia
c. 800 - 400 BCE
Graves reveal cultural use of cannabis in north-west China
c. 700 BCE
Did Polydamna give Helen opium?
668 - 627 BCE
Cannabis found in list of plants on clay tablets
c. 500 BCE
Coca chewing depicted in ceramic figurines
450 BCE
Persia King advised to take advantage of opponents' lack of experience with alcohol to defeat them
c. 428 - 348 BCE
Plato argued that alcohol is a good test of someone's character
c. 425 BCE
Greek historian Herodotus records cannabis use among the Scythian people of western Asia
c. 380 - 340 BCE
Greeks used cannabis recreationally at their symposia
375 BCE
Comedy writer Eubulus summed up the good, bad and ugly sides of ancient alcohol use
300 BCE - 200 CE
Opium is traded along the Silk Roads
c. 100 BCE
Italy catches up with Greece when it comes to wine production and trade
Drinking contest in Greece leads to the death of 41
1 CE
Tobacco use has spread nearly everywhere in the Americas
c. 50 CE
Too much cannabis leads to seeing devils, Pen-ts'ao Ching
c. 77 CE
Pedanius Dioscorides includes cannabis and opium in his list of medicines
c. 100 CE
Taoists use cannabis to induce hallucinations
c. 100 - 800 CE
Archaeological record testifies to wide-spread practice of coca-leaf chewing in Andean cultures
129 - c. 200
Greek physician writes of pleasures, benefits and drawbacks of cannabis
c. 140 - 210 CE
Hua T’o uses cannabis and wine to sedate patients for surgery
250 - 900 CE
Symbolic and physical traces of cacao are left behind by the Mayans
380 CE
Alcohol becomes the dominant psychoactive substance during the Roman Empire
600 - 1000 CE
First pictorial record of smoking in Guatemala
810 CE
Tea is brought to Japan by a Japanese Buddhist priest
865 - 922 CE
First mention of coffee in print
1025 CE
Opium and cannabis recognized as important medicines in "The Canon of Medicine"
c. 1090 CE
Hasan-ibn-Sabah and the cannabis-assassin myth
The first coffee trees are cultivated on the Arabian peninsula
c. 1155 CE
Sufis draw attention to cannabis and take the blame
1200 CE
The Incas and Mayans made alcoholic beverages that became popular in their respective culture.
c. 1200 CE
Cannabis use spreads across Africa
c. 1200 - 1400 CE
Cannabis generally prohibited in medieval Muslim society
1207 - 1273 CE
Jalal ad-Din Rumi, a Sufi poet and writer, writes The Many Wines
c. 1224 CE
Ibn al-Baytar of Spain provides a description of the psychoactive effects of Cannabis
1270s CE
The poem Hávamál (attributed to Odin) encouraged men to practice moderation in regards to alcohol
1300 - 1521 CE
The Aztec people used psilocybian mushrooms during rituals and ceremonies
1300s CE
The Travels of Marco Polo (book) mentions that rice wine was more popular in China than grape wine.
1348 - 1349 CE
Distilled spirits are prescribed by doctors during the Black Death
1425 - 1532 CE
Coca production used to finance the Inca empire
1440 CE
The printing press allows broader ditribution of information about alcohol
1450 CE
Coffee use spreads rapidly in Yemen
1453 CE
Ottoman Turks introduce coffee to Constantinople
1470 - 1500 CE
Coffee is introduced in Mecca and becomes extremely popular
1475 CE
Opening of the world's first coffee shop
1493 - 1541 CE
Paracelsus: inventor of laudanum
1500s CE
Francisco Hernandez (1514 - 1587) brings Amerindian knowledge about chocolate to Europe.
1500s CE
The practice of smoking is brought from the Americas to Europe by French and English voyagers
1500 CE
Opium important in Indian culture, report Portuguese
1511 CE
Coffee was banned as an intoxicant in Mecca
1512 CE
German scientist Hieronymus Brunschwig published The Big Book on Distillation
1517 CE
Coffee spreads to Constantinople and becomes extremely popular
1519 CE
King Montezuma regularly drank a cocoa-based beverage
1524 - 1707 CE
Opium cultivation and trade under the Mughal Dynasty
1529 CE
Coffee house established in Vienna
1532 - 1600 CE
Coca chewing following the Spanish conquest of Peru
1535 CE
Jacque Cartier is introduced to cultivated tobacco in the village of Hochelaga
1535 CE
First published reference to Tobacco
1542 CE
Coffee spreads through the Ottoman Empire despite a ban by Sultan Suleiman
1542 CE
Portuguese sailors introduce tobacco to Japan
1545 CE
The Aztecs use cacao beans as currency
1546 CE
Opium commonly used by Turkish population, says Belon
1554 CE
The first coffee houses are established in Constantinople
1557 CE
Portuguese granted Chinese port at Macau
1559 CE
Queen Catherine de Medicis is said to have popularized the use of tobacco as a headache remedy.
1560 CE
Bernardino de Sahagún makes reference to peyote in Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espana
1565 CE
First description of tobacco in botanical literature
1567 CE
A French publication mentions tobacco as part of several agricultural products and medicinal herbs.
1567 CE
Introduction of tobacco to Southern China
1569 CE
Pope Pius V declares that drinking chocolate on Friday does not break the Catholic fast
1570 CE
Coffee makes its first appearance in Venice, Italy
1571 CE
Joyful News, a book suggesting tobacco can be a cure for many ailments, is published.
1575 CE
Girolamo Benzoni describes chocolate in a popular account of his travels
1580 CE
Coffee houses are closed in Constantinople
1585 CE
The first shipment of cacao arrives in Spain
1590 CE
The use of green cacao is said to have intense effects, and moderation is advised
1591 CE
Problemas y Secretos Maravillosos de Las Indias is published.
1600 CE
Shakespeare's plays reflect increasing concerns about alcohol consumption
1600-1700 CE
Spanish missionary records from the 1600s and early 1700s indicate peyote use by indigenous people
Western countries exports opium from India to China
1600 CE
Introduction of tobacco to Eastern Europe
1600 CE
Coffee is declared a Christian drink by the Pope
1601 CE
Distilling is banned in Belgium
1603-1612 CE
Tobacco prohibition starts in Japan
1603 CE
William Shakespeare makes a reference to opium in Othello
1604 CE
King James I of England condems tobacco in a pamphlet titled A Counterblast to Tobacco
1605 CE
Tobacco cultivation begins in Japan
1606 CE
Prohibition of tobacco trade in South America by the King of Spain
1607 CE
Tobacco becomes the main export of first English colony in North America.
1610 - 1643 CE
Smoking spreads across all classes during the reign of Louis XIII (1610-43)
1611 - 1762 CE
Jamestown settlers bring cannabis to North America
1614 CE
An outbreak of the plague in London popularizes smoking
1614 CE
King Philip III establishes Seville as tobacco center of the world
1614 CE
The first shipment of tobacco was sent to England from Jamestown (Virginia)
1616 CE
Discovery of a tribe of American Indians who cultivated large tobacco fields in present-day Ontario
1618 - 1648 CE
"Dutch courage" comes to Britain during Thirty Years War
1619 - 1620 CE
Enactment of strict prohibitions against tobacco cultivation in the U.K.
1620 CE
The Roman Catholic church bans peyote during the Inquisition
1625 CE
A political ban on coffee is established and then repealed
1634 CE
Tobacco prohibition takes place in Russia
1635 CE
Free sale of tobacco is restricted, but the restrictions do not stay in place for long
1637 CE
The first American brewery is built in Massachusetts by Captain Sedgwick
1638 - 1644 CE
Prohibition is enacted and then repealed in China
1649 CE
Tobacco ban is affirmed by Tsar Alexis
1649 CE
Peyote is discussed in Francisco Hernandez' History of the Plants of New Spain
1650 - 1652 CE
The first English coffee house opens at Oxford University, and several more soon open in London
1651 CE
Tobacco prohibition ends in Japan
1655 CE
Grape wines are first planted in South Africa by Jan van Riebeeck
1662 CE
First independent mention of coca in English literature
1663 CE
English coffee houses are required to be licensed
1675 CE
Charles II calls for the suppression of all coffee houses in London
1676 CE
Under Tsar Theodore III, restraints around tobacco are less severe
1676 CE
Thomas Sydenham invents a new recipe for laudanum
1676 CE
The first American coffee house opens in Boston
1679 - 1713 CE
Coffee houses open throughout Germany
1680 - 1682 CE
Coffee houses play a significant role in the London postal system
1680 - 1730 CE
Coffee consumption thrives in London
1681 CE
The English Govenment moves towards opening the Russian tobacco market
1682 CE
The tobacco situation in Virginia leads to rebellion and destruction of tobacco plants
1683 CE
Venice's first coffee house opens
1686 CE
Francesco Procope opens a coffeehouse in Paris, which lead to a new 'coffee house culture' in France
1688 - 1690 CE
William of Orange secures the English throne with gin
1692 - 1693 CE
Louis XIV grants the first coffee monopoly
1697 CE
Ruler Peter the Great removes ban on consumption and sale of tobacco
1700 CE
Mysteries of Opium Reveal'd is published
18th Century CE
African slaves used alcohol for spiritual purposes in the British and French Caribbean
Chocolate drinks were given to raiding parties fighting in the French and Indian Wars
1710 CE
The French used a method different than the boiling method to prepare coffee
1713 CE
English Parliament promotes gin production
1720 - 1757 CE
The London "gin craze"
1725 - 1727 CE
A second French Monopoly is established, but revoked a few years later
1729 - 1743 CE
British Parliament takes action against gin
1729 CE
Emperor Yung Cheng prohibits the sale of opium for smoking in China
1730s CE
Opium is produced locally for the first time in the U.K.
1743 CE
The hypocrisy in gin control exposed
1751 CE
A new Gin Act, a new London
1753 CE
Carolus Linnaeus assigned the botanical name Theobroma cacao to the chocolate tree
1756 CE
The name of the coca plant genus is published for the first time
1773 CE
American patriots throw hundreds of chests of tea into the Boston Harbour
1773 CE
A monopoly on opium cultivation in Bengal, India
Playing with prohibition in China
1781 CE
The King of Germany forbids coffee roasting except in official government establishments
1785 CE
Benjamin Rush publishes 'An inquiry into the effects of of ardent spirits on the human body & mind'
1788 CE
San Domingo supplies half of the world's coffee, but imports decline after a slave revolt
Bullion reserves and opium policy, England and China
1793 CE
Samuel Crumpe publishes "Inquiry into the nature and properties of opium"
1794 CE
The Whiskey Rebellion takes place
1799 CE
The first psychedelic mushroom experience/ingestion is documented
1800 CE
Napoleon bans hashish in Egypt
1800s CE
Opium was used to treat cholera during several epidemics in the 1800s
1800 - 1830 CE
Opium: a force of destruction in China?
1802 CE
Alcohol sale to Native Americans is banned
1804 - 1810 CE
George Crabbe writes 'Peter Grimes'
1804 CE
Morphine, the principal ingredient in opium, is identified
1809 CE
Silvestre de Sacy claims that the word "assassin" is derived from hashish
1810 - 1826 CE
The temperance movement spreads in colonial america
1810 - 1896 CE
Samuel Leonard Tilley, one of the Fathers of Confederation, fought for the prohibition of alcohol.
1819 CE
Francois Louis Cailler launched the first Swiss chocolate factory near Vevey, Switzerland
1821 CE
William Cobbett defended the home-brewing of beer as an act of independence.
1821 CE
Confessions of an English Opium-eater is published
1828 CE
Coenraad Van Houten invents a process that creates an easily prepared powdered hot chocolate
1830 - 1859 CE
Coffee consumption increases considerably in the U.S.
1832 - 1839 CE
Opium legalization recommended, debated and rejected in China
1832 CE
Codeine is isolated by French chemist Pierre-Jean Robiquet
1839 - 1842 CE
The first opium war: China vs Britain
1842 CE
Cannabis hailed as a wonder-drug in Victorian England
1844 - 1849 CE
Dr. Moreau and "The Hashish Club"
1844 - 1885 CE
David Louis Riel attempts to curbe the whisky trade, but does not succeed.
1845 CE
Soothing Syrup: morphine and alcohol concoction keeps babies quiet
1845 - 1847 CE
The botanical name for peyote is first published by botanist Charles Lemaire
c. 1845 CE
Cannabis comes to Jamaica
1850 CE
Local and national regulations regarding alcohol are put in place
1850 - 1853 CE
Concern about excessive drinking grows in Sweden
1850 - 1860 CE
Opium smoking is introduced to the United States by Chinese laborers
1850 CE
Folgers (coffee brand) is established
1851 - 1865 CE
The first wave of prohibition laws is enacted
1853 CE
Invention of hypodermic syringe transforms pain management
1855 CE
Milller Brewing Company is founded
1855 CE
The cocaine alkaloid is isolated from the coca plant
1856 - 1860 CE
The second opium war: China vs Britain and France
1859 CE
John Stuart Mill writes On Liberty
1859 CE
Albert Neimann, a German chemist, isolates cocaine from coca leaves
1859 CE
Cocaine is identified as substance that can have positive medicinal effects
1862 CE
Lizzie Siddal overdoses on laudanum
1862 CE
The first federal tax on tobacco is implemented
1863 CE
Angelo Mariani, a French chemist, introduces a preparation of coca and wine called Vin Mariani
1865 - 1905 CE
A system to regulate alcohol is developed and eventually made mandatory at the national level
1868 CE
The Nootka: Scenes and studies of savage life, is published
1868 CE
The Pharmacy Act is enacted in Britain
1869 CE
The Prohibition Party is established
1870 CE
Cannabis prohibited in southern Africa
1871 CE
Coffee exports from Guatemala dramatically increase
1873 CE
Alexander Bennett demonstrates the anesthetic properties of cocaine
1874 CE
Heroin is synthesized for the first time
1874 CE
The North West Mounted Police is ordered to stop the illicit trade of whiskey in Alberta
1874 - 1875 CE
Anti-opium agitation heats up
Swiss chocolatier Daniel Peter invents milk chocolate
1875 CE
Inland Revenue Act begins drug regulation in Canada
1875 CE
120'000 people are estimated to be addicted to opium in the United States
1876 CE
The United States was importing 340 million pounds of coffee each year
1877 CE
Eduard Levinstein writes "Morbid Craving for Morphia"
1878 CE
The Canadian Temperance Act is put in place
1878 CE
W. Duke & Co., the company that introduced the cigarette-manufacturing machines, is established
1879 CE
Egyptian government bans cannabis
1879 CE
Rodolphe Lindt invents the conching machine, which creates chocolate that melts in the mouth
1880 CE
James Albert Bonsack invents the first cigarette rolling machine
1884 - 1905 CE
The use of cocaine is praised and use spreads in the United States
1886 CE
Invention of coca-cola by pharmacist John Pemberton
1890 CE
Concern grows over the use of cocaine in the United States
1890 CE
Lipton Tea is first introduced
1890 CE
Opium dens appear in Vancouver and Victoria
1891 CE
Tobacco was banned for sale to people under 16 years old in three Canadian provinces
1891 CE
Cannabis gets swept up in the temperance debate
1892 CE
The Coca-Cola company is established
1892 CE
Maxwell House is founded
1893 CE
Methamphetamine is first synthesized
1893 - 1894 CE
Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report
1894 CE
The Hershey Company is founded
1896 CE
The alkaloid mescaline is first isolated from the peyote cactus by Dr. Arthur Heffter
1898 CE
Heroin introduced as a cough remedy
1901 - 1921 CE
Alcohol prohibition begins in Canada, and lasts until the 1920s
1901 CE
Luigi Bezzera invents the first commercial espresso machine
1902 - 1914 CE
Era of progressive reform
1906 CE
Invention of instant coffee
1907 - 1930 CE
US states move to ban cannabis
1908 CE
The 1908 Pharmacy Act moved additional drugs to part one of the schedule.
1908 CE
Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada is formed
1908 CE
The Opium Act: the beginning of drug prohibition in Canada
1909 CE
The International Opium Commission takes place in Shanghai
1909 - 1922 CE
The prohibition movement begins in Sweden
1909 CE
The Smoking Opium Exclusion Act (USA) prohibits opium for smoking
1910 - 1920 CE
Dramatic tax increase on tobacco products imposed in the United States
1911 CE
Criminal justice takes lead on drug policy development
1912 CE
The International Opium Convention takes place
1912 CE
MDMA is first synthesized by Anton Kollish
1913 CE
Merck obtains a patent for MDMA
1913 CE
Ganja Law is passed in Jamaica
1914 CE
The Harrison Act is passed, classifying cocaine as a narcotic
1914 - 1918 CE
Tobacco products are heavily promoted (and distributed to soldiers) during World War I
1914 CE
British and German soldiers exchange chocolate on Christmas Day of 1914
1916 - 1917 CE
Oxycodone is first synthesized in Germany
1917 - 1932 CE
History of Prohibition in Finland
1918 CE
Establishment of the Native American Church
1919 CE
Ernst Spath first synthesizes mescaline
1919 CE
The Harrison Act is amended to provide tighter controls on cocaine and opium
1920 CE
The Dangerous Drugs Act of 1920
1920 - 1933 CE
Alcohol prohibition is implemented in the United States
1920 - 1929 CE
Tobacco use among women in the United States increases
1921 - 1948 CE
British Columbia repeals alcohol prohibition, and most provinces follow soon after
1921 - 1950 CE
Iowa becomes the first state to tax cigarettes
1921 CE
The Opium and Narcotic Drug Act is amended
1922 CE
The Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act is passed
1923 CE
Cannabis is outlawed in Canada
1924 CE
The Heroin Act of 1924 is implemented
1925 CE
The first drunk driving law is passed in Sweden
1925 CE
Panama Report concludes marijuana has no harmful effect on users
1926 CE
The Rolleston Committee Report defines British drug policy
1927 - 1962 CE
The Liquor Act is passed in South Africa
1927 CE
Merck conducts the first animal testing with MDMA
1928 - 1950 CE
Victoria become the first Australian state to prohibit cannabis
1930 - 1962 CE
Harry J. Anslinger promotes a criminal justice approach to drug control
1930 - 1945 CE
Amphetamines were prescribed for a wide range of medical issues in the 1930s
1930 CE
The Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) is established
1931 CE
By 1931, every state in the U.S. has restrictions on the sale of cocaine
1933 CE
Alcohol prohibition ends in the United States
1935 CE
Alcoholics Anonymous is established
1936 CE
The film Reefer Madness is released
1936 CE
Blas Pablo Reko confirms the existence of teonanacatl as the psilocybin mushroom
1937 CE
Harry J. Anslinger publishes Marihuana: Assassin of Youth
1937 CE
Congress passes the marijuana tax act
1937 - 1945 CE
The U.S. military asks Herschey to make emergency ration chocolate bars for WWII soldiers
1938 CE
Nestle launches a soluble (or instant) coffee product called Nescafe
1938 CE
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is synthesized
1938 - 1939 CE
Amphetamines are introduced on the Swedish market
1939 CE
The first edition of the "Big Book" is published
1940 CE
Methamphetamine enters the Japanese market
1941 CE
Penalties for marijuana offenses are increased in Jamaica
1941 - 1945 CE
During world war II, cigarette consumption rises dramatically
1942 CE
The Opium Poppy Control Act is passed
1943 CE
Albert Hofmann becomes the first person to experience LSD
1944 CE
La Guardia Committee contradicts US Treasury Department
1945 - 1955 CE
Health concerns in relation to cigarettes appear and increase as studies link tobacco to diseases
1947 CE
A vending machine that dispenses hot coffee in seconds is introduced in the United States
1947 CE
Strikes against a sudden price hike on chocolate bars are organized throughout Canada
1947 CE
The first research about the effects of LSD is published in a Swiss journal
1947 CE
Opium cultivation and trade flourish in Myanmar (Burma)
1948 CE
The WHO is given control to classify drugs within the international drug control structure
1948 CE
Japan passes the Cannabis Control Act
1949 CE
The first research about LSD in North America is initiated
1950s CE
Espresso bars become extremely popular in London
1950 CE
Coffee is sold in the streets of Italy
1950 CE
The first American article about LSD is published
1951 CE
The Amphetamines Control Law is enacted
1952 CE
The Malaysian Law Dangerous Drugs Act of 1952 is passed
1952 CE
Charles Savage publishes the first study on the use of LSD to treat depression
1953 CE
Heroin is banned in Australia
1953 CE
The first LSD clinic opens in England
1953 CE
The Army Chemical Center studied MDMA toxicity by giving MDMA to animals
1954 - 1960 CE
Dr. Humphry Osmond treats alcoholics with LSD
1954 CE
The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley is published
1956 CE
Cultivation of cannabis is prohibited in Morocco
1956 CE
Aldous Huxley publishes Heaven and Hell
1956 CE
Congress passes the Narcotics Control Act
1957 CE
The first widely distributed article about psychoactive mushrooms is published
1957 CE
An iconic novel by Jack Kerouac, titled On the Road, is published.
1958 CE
The Interdepartmental Committee on Drug Addiction is appointed.
1958 CE
Amphetamine is classified as a narcotic
1958 CE
Psilocybin is synthetized by Albert Hoffman
1959 CE
Methadone treatment begins in Vancouver
1959 CE
Fentanyl is first synthesized by Paul Janssen in Belgium
1959 CE
The First International Conference on LSD Therapy
1960 - 1962 CE
The Harvard Psilocybin Project is conducted by Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert
1961 CE
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
1962 CE
20 students at Boston University participate in a psilocybin experiment
1963 CE
Injectable amphetamine products removed from legal market
1964 CE
The report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General is released.
1964 CE
California Supreme Court rules in favour of peyotist defendants in People v. Woody case
1965 CE
The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act of 1965 is passed
1965 CE
Michael Hollingshead opens the World Psychedelic Center in the U.K.
1966 CE
Alfred Peet opens the first Peet's Coffee and Tea store in Berkeley, California
1966 CE
The Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act is passed
1966 CE
LSD is outlawed in the U.K.
1967 CE
A group of social…
1968 CE
Possession of Psilocybin…
1969 - 1973 CE
Le Dain…
1970 CE
President Richard…
1970 CE
1970 CE
Alexander Shulgin plays…
1970 CE
The Public…
1971 CE
Percocet is launched…
1971 CE
The Misuse of Drugs…
1971 CE
The United Nations…
1971 CE
Opening of the…
1972 CE
1973 CE
The term Fetal…
1973 CE
Cigarette sales…
1973 CE
Creation of the…
1976 CE
1977 CE
MDMA is made illegal…
1978 CE
The U.S. and…
1978 CE
The National…
1979 CE
Albert Hofmann…
1980 CE
The Rat Park study…
1980s CE
During the 1980s,…
1980 CE
1982 CE
The Specialty…
1985 CE
Ecstasy is outlawed in…
1986 CE
Anti-drug abuse act…
1986 CE
Ecstasy is outlawed…
1988 CE
1988 CE
The U.S. senate…
1989 CE
President George H.…
1990 CE
The U.K. enacts…
1990 CE
All domestic flight of…
1992 CE
Opening of the…
1992 CE
The Drugs and…
1995 CE
The Golden…
1995 CE
It is found that…
1996 CE
A tobacco…
1996 CE
1996 CE
1996 CE
1997 CE
Soldiers of…
1998 CE
1998 CE
California becomes…
1999 CE
An improved…
2000 CE
Hawaii becomes the…
Early 2000s
The term…
2000 CE
The Department…
2001 CE
2001 CE
Health Canada…
2001 CE
The US…
2002 CE
Two American…
2003 CE
Possession of…
2003 CE
65 individuals…
2003 CE
North America's first…
2004 CE
UK Moves Cannabis to…
2005 CE
2005 CE
The federal Minister…
2006 CE
Bolivia president…
2006 CE
A research study…
2006 CE
Survey results show…
2008 CE
Cannabis is returned to…
2008 CE
Abert Hoffman,…
2009 CE
2009 CE
Argentina rules…
2010 CE
The FDA approves…
2010 CE
Minimum pricing…
2011 CE
A set of low-risk…
2011 CE
Divergent, a novel…
2012 CE
Washington state…
2012 CE
Small possession…
2013 CE
Medical marijuana…
2013 CE
2014 CE
Oregon, Alaska…
2014 CE
Uruguay fully…
2014 CE
The results of a…
2015 CE
2015 CE
Health Canada…
2015 CE
Flandreau Santee…
2015 CE
Colombia fully…
2016 CE
The Narcotic…
8000 BCE
4000 BCE