1893 - 1894 CE
Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report

In 1893 in response to various claims and demands, the colonial Government of India convened a commission to look into he effects of the production and consumption of hemp drugs in India. The Indian Hemp Drugs Commission remains the most extensive and wide-ranging survey of a cannabis-consuming society compiled to this day.

It concluded that may of the reports about the effects of hemp drugs have been "greatly exaggerated." In general, the Commission concluded, moderate use of hemp drugs had no negative impacts on physical, mental or moral wellbeing. It did acknowledge that in certain exceptional cases, "owing to idiosyncrasies of constitution," even moderate use of these drugs may have some negative physical or mental impact. Excessive use, on the other hand, was seen to have negative impact on physical, mental and moral health. The Commission was keen to emphasize that this was the case with all intoxicants and not just with hemp.

The Commission rejected the idea of cannabis prohibition. Instead it favoured a standardization of cannabis taxation policy in India to ensure that prices were high enough to limit the amount that most consumers would use, while not so high that a black-market would develop.

Source: Mills. J. (2013). Cannabis Britannica : The rise and demise of a Victorian wonder-drug. Gresham.

Drugs: Cannabis (marijuana)
Regions: India, UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
Topics: Prohibition, Taxation and regulation