1590 CE
The use of green cacao is said to have intense effects, and moderation is advised

In the Florentine Codex, a Spanish translation of Aztec culture and natural history, Franciscan friar and ethnographer Bernardino de Sahagun warned about using too much of one kind of cacao seed: “[Green cacao] makes one drunk, takes effect on one, makes one dizzy, confuses one, makes one sick, deranges one. When an ordinary amount is drunk, it gladdens one, refreshes one, consoles one, invigorates one. Thus it is said: ‘I take cacao. I wet my lips. I refresh myself’".

Source: Dillinger, T. L. et al. (2000) Food of the gods. The Journal of nutrition, 130(8), 2057S-2072S.

Drugs: Cacao (cocoa, chocolate)
Regions: Spain
Topics: Health and social problems