1909 CE
The Smoking Opium Exclusion Act (USA) prohibits opium for smoking

In 1909, the United States makes the importation of opium illegal. However, only the importation of opium prepared for smoking is banned, while the medicinal opium that white Americans commonly kept in their household medicine cabinets can still be imported.

Anti-Chinese sentiments shapes the context around the passing of this exclusion act. The law was specifically aimed at a particular way of using the drug that targeted the Chinese, not at the drug itself. Public opium dens had been outlawed in 1875 in San Francisco, as opium smoking had come be seen as unfavourable and foreign by temperance advocates and moral reformers.

Source: Gahlinger, P. (2003). Illegal Drugs. Penguin; Gieringer, D. (2009). The Opium Exclusion Act of 1909.

Drugs: Opium (morphine, heroin, opioids)
Regions: USA (United States of America)
Topics: Prohibition