1958 CE
The Interdepartmental Committee on Drug Addiction is appointed.

The role of the Interdepartmental Committee on Drug Addiction was to review the system in place regarding drug addiction/abuse and "consider whether any revised advice should also cover drugs liable to produce addiction or to be habit-forming; to consider whether there is a medical need to provide special, including institutional, treatment outside the resources already available, for persons addicted to drugs; and to make recommendations, including proposals for any administrative measures that may seem expedient". The Committee produced two reports, one in 1961 and one in 1965. The first report concluded that there was no need to make changes to the current system, as there was no evidence that the ability for doctors to prescribe drugs to treat addict patients had led to an increase in the number of addicts. The 1965 report, however, expressed the need to revise current policies on the prescribing of addicting drugs.

Source: "Note - Report of the Interdepartmental Committee On Drug Addiction, United Kingdom" (n.d.). UNODC.

Regions: UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)