2006 CE
Bolivia president works towards promoting and expanding the legal market of the coca crop

The early 21st century marked the start of a movement in Bolivia (as well as other South American countries) to promote and expand the legal markets for the coca crop. Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia (elected in December 2005), was a coca grower's union leader and has taken a stance in favor of the growing of coca leaves for traditional purposes. Morales asserts that "la coca no es cocaína"—the coca leaf is not cocaine. During a speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations in September of 2006, he held a coca leaf in his hand to send a message and demonstrate its innocuity.

Source: Conzelman C. (2014). Yungas Coca Growers Seek Industrialization but Split on Legalization. Nacla.org

Drugs: Coca (cocaine)
Regions: Bolivia